Minarets in the Mountains A Journey into Muslim Europe
Tharik Hussain
Tony Hawks
From watching the England football team play a boring match against the little known Eastern European state of Moldova, comedian Tony Hawks found himself agreeing to a friend’s bet that he couldn’t beat all eleven members of the Moldovan football team at tennis. The loser would have to strip naked on Balham High Road and sing the Moldovan national anthem. So begins the author’s hilarious travel adventure from England to Moldova to Tansnistria, Northern Ireland and Israel as he sets about fulfilling his bizarre quest.
Tony Hawks is a writer and comedian who regularly appears on television, Have I Got News for You, If I Ruled the World - and on radio, on Just a Minute, I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue and The Newsquiz. His first book, Round Ireland With a Fridge was a surreal adventure prompted by a £100 bet. Tony Hawks lives in London.
Tharik Hussain
Barbara Demick
Ian Urbina
Kapka Kassabova