Jonathan Blitzer Longlist Interview
9 October 2024
I don’t much like talking about myself, but Gabriele d’Annunzio loved to do so. Let this be his blog. He enjoyed making lists.
People whom he thought he resembled, and why:
Julius Caesar (because they were both bald, and invincible in love and war alike)
Dante (the only great Italian poet, he thought, before himself)
Horatio Nelson (another small, one-eyed war-hero)
Byron (like d’Annunzio, compulsively promiscuous and a great swimmer)
St Francis (in later life, d’Annunzio took to wearing a Franciscan-style habit, but because he didn’t really want to mortify the flesh, he always wore a mauve silk shift under it)
Some favourite things:
The scent of oranges
The slithery feel of a greyhound’s coat
The way his lover Eleonora Duse wiped her tears upwards onto her temples when he made her cry
Rain falling on violets
Things he detested:
Sleeping in hotel sheets (he always brought his own)
The Hapsburg empire (but one of his best friends was an Austrian prince)
Brass bands
Things he wrote to Mussolini:
‘You stay there chattering while we struggle… You tremble with fear!... You little pig!’ (1919)
‘Am I not the precursor of all that is good about Fascism?’ (1932)
17 December 2024
19 November 2024
10 October 2024