Meet the judges for 2010

Evan Davis
Evan Davis (Chair) is a presenter on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme. He also hosts the Radio 4 business discussion programme, The Bottom Line and Dragons’ Den on BBC2. Evan has been at the BBC since 1993 and has spent most of his career reporting economics, working first as a correspondent across the news programmes, including Newsnight, and finally succeeding Peter Jay in the role of overall BBC Economics Editor. In that role, he wrote a popular blog, Evanomics.

Jan Dalley
Jan Dalley is the author of the biography Diana Moseley and the arts editor of the Financial Times. She was also previously the paper's literary editor, and is the author of numerous features and reviews on the arts and books, as well as a fortnightly column in the FT Weekend section. Jan's most recent book is The Black Hole, an account of the infamous Black Hole of Calcutta.

Daniel Finkelstein
Daniel Finkelstein is executive editor of The Times. His blog, Comment Central, is a personal round up of the best political opinion on the web. Before joining the paper in 2001, he was adviser to both Prime Minister John Major and Conservative leader William Hague.

Roger Highfield
Roger Highfield is the editor of New Scientist magazine. He has written/co-authored half a dozen books, including The Private Lives of Albert Einstein(currently under development as a biopic); The Physics of Christmas and the bestseller, The Arrow of Time. For two decades, until 2008, he was the science editor of The Daily Telegraph, where he won various prizes for journalism, including a British Press Award, organised a long running science writing competition, and developed mass experiments with the BBC. For his doctoral research at Oxford he became the first person to bounce a neutron off a soap bubble.

Stella Tillyard
Stella Tillyard is the author of five books, including Aristocrats (which was made into a BBC/WGBH Masterpiece Theater series), Citizen Lord and A Royal Affair. She was 2009 Irish Government Farmleigh Writer in Residence, is a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Editing Lives and Letters at Queen Mary, University of London, and writes for Prospect, the TLS and The Sunday Times. Her novel set in the Regency period, Tides of War, will be published in 2011.